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What is the Talk section?

Talk is The Jump’s® feature for private messaging. Use it for chatting one-on-one with friends or with a select group of people.

Starting a Talk conversation

Tap the floating Talk icon that is found near the bottom right corner on any of the four main pages and select the Plus button in the top right corner. You then decide to either create a jump and invite your friends, or begin a conversation with one or more people. For a conversation, tap Create Talk Conversation, tap one or more friends that you would like to talk to, and hit Next. Type your message and then tap the Blue Arrow to send.

Sending messages

Inside each message, you will see the option to add text at the bottom of your screen where it reads Send a Message.

To add a basic text post: Type or record your post into the white bar and tap the Up arrow when you’re finished. The post will be added to the message.

To post photos or videos: Tap the camera icon at the bottom of your screen. Your phone’s camera roll will auto populate. You can filter options by tapping on the Photos or Videos button. Once you select the picture or video you want to share, tap Done, comment if you like, then tap the Up arrow to submit.

To post a GIF: Tap the GIF icon at the bottom of the screen. Sort Gifs to share by typing keywords into the search bar. Once you find a GIF you like, tap it once. Comment if you like and tap the Up arrow to submit.

Replying to a specific message

If you want to respond to a previous comment in a Talk message, just press and hold on the comment and a drawer will open. with options to react. You can select a reaction, reply to the message, copy text, or delete the post.

Reacting to a message

You can react to any message in a Talk conversation by long-pressing on the comment. Press and hold, and a drawer will open, enabling you to select a reaction.

Jumping dots

If anyone is actively typing you a message while you are in the app, the floating Talk icon near the bottom right corner of your screen will temporarily transform into three animated dots in order to notify you of an incoming message. If you are already within the Talk section, the animated dots will appear within the corresponding conversation.

Editing members within a Talk conversation

You can add or remove members to your Talk message by tapping on the three dots in the top-right corner of your Talk screen. To add, tap Invite Members from the Details screen. You will have the option to select one or more Friends. Tap Send Invitation to submit. To remove, tap Remove Members from the Details screen. Tap Remove next to the member that you wish to exclude from the conversation.

Deleting a message

In a one-on-one message, you can choose to close the conversation, which removes it from your Talk screen. You do this by tapping on the three dots in the top-right corner of your Talk screen and selecting Close Conversation. This does not permanently delete the conversation, but hides it until new activity happens within the message. In a Group Chat, choosing Close Conversation will delete it from your Talk screen. You may also swipe right on the main Talk screen to close a conversation.