Oh, hi there. Welcome. Nice seeing you over here. My name is Peter and this is my community. I’m building an online place for illustrators and artists of all kind to share their work with me, myself and other artists. Want more info? Keep reading. Want to just join the community? Click the button below. And yes, it’s free.


Bringing Artists Together!

My community is about bringing artists together, in one place. A place where we can discuss techniques, share our own work, solicit feedback or talk about any illustrations that are inspirational to us right now. This isn’t where we talk about the negative things in the world, but rather where we celebrate drawing, illustrating and art.

Other Creators Co-Hosting

Along with me, Peter, there will be other illustrators and creators who will join the community over time. Some will be temporary, some may be more permanent! We’ll decide when we get there. With multiple creators in one place, we can really build a hub around drawing and illustration.

Share Your Art

The best place to share your work is with a group of like-minded, passionate people. Ask for feedback, share tips or tutorials, whatever! This is where your work will be valued and appreciated, even if you’re just beginning or are a drawing master.


Check out some merch from Peter!


join the community

If you’ve found yourself at the bottom of this page, you might as well just join. It’s that little button right there. Tap it!