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Stories of success and triumph

We’ve heard The Jump is great, but you don't have to take our word for it. From sports teams to theatre groups, a lot of people love our platform.
Check out the groups using The Jump to improve communication and create stronger relationships within their communities.

American Heritage Girls

Local to national
American Heritage Girls has 43,000 members participating in their troops throughout the United States. These troops are actively engaged, but didn’t have a dedicated tool to communicate locally, much less nationally.
Stronger engagement
The Jump worked with the American Heritage Girls staff to rollout The Jump to their members, from coast to coast. Our goal was to create stronger engagement locally, but also connect the troop leaders nationally in a way they hadn’t before.
Better local support
More than 1,200 troop Jumps were launched on the platform. Now, national leaders are able to connect with local troops in a more personal, authentic way. Meanwhile, local leaders receive more national and peer support without the clunky e-mails.
message from founder

Olathe Northwest Ravens

Building a community
Coach Hafner had just taken a job at Olathe Northwest High School. He was an unknown and knew he needed to establish a relationship and better communication with his players, as well as the parents.
New coach, new tool
With no existing form of communication from the prior coach, other than e-mail, Hafner utilized The Jump to communicate with players, parents, other school staff and his coaches. There was no confusion on where to be at what time. Instructions are crystal clear.
Happier parents
Not only is everyone more informed, but The Jump cultivates authentic conversations between the players and the parents. Parents are more engaged by posting game-time photos and they even use the app for tailgating, BBQs, fundraisers and more.

Football highlights & strategies

The Culture House

A theatre leader
The Culture House performs an average of nine theatrical productions a year, set in several venues. With a revolving door of students, volunteers, parents and leadership, they needed a way to organize each production’s cast and crew, while maintaining continuity among staff.
Annie Get Your Gun
They took The Jump and implemented it within one stage production, Annie Get Your Gun, to test the benefit it would have on their students. They also included the parents, the choreographers, the set decorators and volunteers to ensure unified communication.
Rehearsal to production
They’ve utilized The Jump for events, show updates and provide valuable input on features they’d like from The Jump, such as pay options and a browser version. The Jump continues to look for opportunities to implement feedback and improve the app’s utility for future productions.
behind the scenes!

Create Church

More than Sunday
There are thousands of churches in the world with strong communities. Create Church needed a way to keep people up-to-date. Facebook and Instagram can’t guarantee that people see messages and oftentimes e-mails are overlooked.
Consistent follow up
Create Church rallied their congregation to join The Jump in order to strengthen their community and organize different events. It wasn’t an immediate migration, but with consistent follow up during Sunday services, most of their community adopted the app.
Putting down roots
With the congregation engaged on The Jump, the church is able to mobilize members for other efforts like small groups, volunteer work and the children’s programming. The app has also proved invaluable for capturing medical prayer requests.

Ready to be a success story? Get your group on The Jump now!

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