Community Guidelines

Building a safe place online requires a few rules.

When you use The Jump, we consider you to be part of the family and with that comes a few expectations. Just like we promise not to violate your trust on the app, we ask that members of The Jump commit to a few things, too. This way, we can ensure that The Jump remains a safe, enjoyable community for all. Violation of these guidelines may lead to account suspension or account termination. If you come across content on the app that you think is inappropriate, tap the three dots next to the post and select the ‘Flag as inappropriate’ option. Our staff reviews flagged content around the clock and will assess whether it violates our Community Guidelines. You can contact us with any questions or concerns you may have.

Nudity or sexual content

Even if it is creative or artistic in nature, we don’t allow nudity on The Jump. Same goes for sexually explicit content.

Harmful or dangerous content

We do not allow content that rationalizes or encourages self-injury, suicide or reckless behavior. Emboldening eating disorders or substance abuse is also prohibited on The Jump.

Hateful Content

Racism, bigotry and hatred have no place on The Jump. While the app is open to free expression, we will not tolerate content that promotes or condones violence against individuals on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, disability, age, nationality, sexual orientation or gender identity.

Violent or graphic content

Please hold on the guts and gore. We will remove content that glorifies violence and is intended to be shocking or sensational. If you post something that is graphic, yet news-based, give fellow Jump members a heads up about what to expect or your motivation insharing it.

Harassment and cyberbullying

Help build a positive and healthy culture. Please report any inappropriate behavior. Stalking, threats, bullying, intimidation, profile deception (catfishing), soliciting, phishing or initiating unwanted conversation are not allowed. These activities can lead to account termination.

Firearm sales

In accordance with Google Play and App Store platform guidelines, the purchase, sale or trade of firearms, ammunition and explosives between private individuals is not allowed. Firearm shops and online retail are permitted to engage in commercial activity involving firearms and ammunition, as long as it’s in accordance with laws and regulations.

Spam and scams

Interacting on The Jump should be meaningful, which is why we don’t tolerate spam. Please refrain from sharing unsolicited commercial messages or posting unwanted, repetitive content. If someone contacts you offering a deal that seems too good to be true, it probably is.


Don’t post content that you don’t have the right to share. While we love people being creative, if someone requires permission to use their work, please ask them.e, it probably is.


We know that you’ll never agree with everyone on The Jump and that’s fine, but we do ask that everyone engages in respectful conversations. Content that degrades and shames members won’t be tolerated.


Don’t publicly post personal information that’s yours or someone else’s for all to see. That includes social security, phone numbers, passwords, financial information, phone numbers and unlisted contact information.


Be yourself. Don’t misrepresent who you are or mislead Jump members by implying that you are a person or entity that you are not. We will remove your account.


We’re here for the community, not to be hit over the head with marketing pitches. If you have a product to sell and want to invite people to learn more in a Jump, you’re welcome to do so, but please don’t inundate people with Talk messages and incessant posts in Jumps.

Illegal Usage

The laws that apply in real life apply on The Jump, too. Don’t use the app for nefarious, illegal activities.

Have a question about our guidelines? Message us for more info!

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