Getting Started
Technical Help
What are Groups?

Groups exist to bring communities together and to bring you closer with your friends. They can be based off of interests and hobbies (I.E. hiking, interior design) or an organization you’re associated with (I.E. soccer league, school).

How Groups work

When you’re first looking at joining a Group, you’ll land on the Group cover. You can scroll down and preview details about that Group such as rules, promoted resources, events, videos and more. From this initial cover page, you can decide whether or not you’d like to join that particular Group.

If you decide to join, you will unlock that Group’s full functionality. You will see other community members, a news feed, posts, reactions, comments and more. Anything you say or do inside this Group will only be viewable to members of this group.

Activity (Home) page

The Activity page is an overview of all the things (posts, photos, videos, events, etc.) happening that you are connected to within the app such as your groups, people you are following, and your friends. Here, you can also send invites to friends on and off the app, create a post outside of a Group, create a Jump, and view Jump invites and updates. Your Jump updates will clear as you interact with them. You can find it by selecting the House icon at the bottom of the app screen.

Group page

The Group page is an overview of Groups you’re currently a part of and suggested Groups. By clicking directly onto a Group tile you can view a Group’s unique feed. The only people that are able to interact within a Group are members of that Group. From this page, you can also create a Group, mark specific Groups as favorites, and create folders to organize your Groups. You can find it by selecting the Group icon at the bottom of the app screen.

Creating a Group

Tap the Group icon at the bottom of the app screen then tap the + Create Group icon in the top right corner.

Name your Group, select a cover photo from your camera roll or search the free Unsplash stock photo library. Tap Next, when you find one you like. You can pinch the image to move and scale your selection. When you’re done, tap the check mark in the top right corner.

If you would like to add additional elements to your cover, select Yes to customize further, and you can find art options, as well as the option to add additional text. When your cover looks like you want it, tap the arrow at the bottom right of the screen.

In the final stage, you will choose your privacy setting (public, private, or hidden), have the ability to edit your Group title and access Advanced Settings in order to add additional details about your group, set filters, post Group rules, set notification preferences, set a countdown clock and restrict invitations.

Once you’re done, tap Save to launch your Group. This will give you the option to Invite Friends (on or off the app) to join or you can skip this step and come back to it later.

Adjusting notifications from a Group

To adjust notifications from a specific Group, tap the three dots on the Group’s tile. Tap Adjust Notifications and select your preference to either receive push notifications for all activity within that Group, turn off all push notifications, or to only receive push notifications from the Groups hosts and/or your friends. You can make changes to your notification preferences as often as you would like.


There is a photos tab within each Group, located near the top of the page, that makes it easy to see all of the images and videos that have been shared in the group. Tap any image to zoom in and tap the comment icon in the top right to see comments and information related to that post.

Posting within a Group

Inside each Group, you will see the option to add a post at the top of your Group feed. Only members of that particular Group will be able to interact with your post.

To add a basic text post: Tap Say Something, type or record your post into the white bar and tap Post in the top right corner when you’re finished. The post will be added to the Group feed.

To post photos or videos: Tap the camera icon in the middle of your screen. Your phone’s camera roll will auto populate. You can filter options by tapping on the Photos or Videos button. Once you select the picture or video you want to share, you can add a comment if you like and tap Post to submit.

To post a GIF: Tap Say Something to begin creating a post and then tap the GIF icon in the middle of your screen. Sort GIFs to share by typing keywords into the search bar. Once you find a GIF you like, tap it once. You can add a comment (or not) and tap Post to add it to the Group feed.

To post a resource: Please see the resource section of the Help Center.

Editing a post

Tap on the icon with the three dots in the right-hand corner of the post you’d like to edit. Tap Edit Post, make your changes, and tap Save in the top right corner.

Deleting a post

Tap on the icon with the three dots in the right-hand corner of the post you’d like to delete. Tap Delete Post. Confirm by selecting Yes.

Reacting to a post

To react to a post, tap the smiley face icon underneath the post you’d like to react to. Then you can choose how you’d like to react. To change or delete your reaction, tap your initially selected icon in the bottom-left corner of the post and your reaction will be deleted. If you choose, you can select a new reaction by following the same steps.

Tagging someone in a post

To tag someone in a post, type the @ symbol and one or more of the first letters of their name. Matching friends will appear to select the correct person that you are tagging. Just tap on their name and continue your post.

Commenting on a post

To respond to a post, tap the chat bubble icon underneath the post you’d like to respond to. Type in your response and tap the Up Arrow to submit.

Viewing members

Scroll to the top of any Group you’re a member of and you will see the number of members that are participating in that Group in the bottom left of the Group cover photo. Tap that text or the profile pics to bring up a list of all the members.

Inviting friends to a Group

You can invite friends to your Group by tapping the + Invite icon on the bottom right of the Group cover photo. You can invite friends to your Group that are already on the app by tapping Invite next to their name or invite friends that are not yet on the app by using the variety of share options at the top of the screen.

Blocking members

To block a member of a Group, scroll to the top of the Group where it shows the Members in the bottom left of the Group cover photo and tap on the text. Once the complete list of members of that Group has appeared, tap the three dots next to the selected user’s name. You can then select to Block and/or Report.